January 31, 2017

How to successfully wean your child

Are you thinking of a way to stop breastfeeding your child but you don't know how to go about it, we know it's not easy to just stop suddenly, so it's a gradual process.

In fact nursing a child is one of the most tasking things every mother has to go through, remember the recommended time for breastfeeding is 6months after which you can start introducing solids to your child little by little.

Children like breast milk a lot in short what is like? They love it too much, they cannot do trade by barter for breast milk oh, you are wasting your time if you attempt to do so, and come to think of it the breast milk is not all that sweet but you need to see them scattering their body when sucking, such amazing creatures.

Weaning your child simply means putting an end to nursing your baby. You might say okay so at what point do I wean my child.

I would say study your child to know what he/she wants. You know every child is born differently. What might be good for this one might not be good for the other.

Do not follow over-sabi people that will tell you do this, do that, everybody is unique in their own way. What might work for them if you attempt it you might fail in it.

Just allow your child to wean naturally, don't put pressure on the child, when your child begins to loose interest then weaning becomes easier.

Try variety of foods, if your baby rejects one, don't get discouraged, just try another one until you find the one he likes best.

It all requires patience, give your child a lot of time to gradually adjust to the new change.

Although, when weaning your baby at first she might become restless because she's probably wondering what's going on.

Try introducing bottle or cup to see if your baby will take it or not, you can express your milk in a bottle or use cow's milk, all these is to ensure she forgets about the breast.

Before you think of weaning make sure that your baby will be getting the nutrient it requires to grow from any alternative you would be giving.

Always remember that weaning a child is a gradual process and it will eventually happen no matter how long it takes.

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