November 01, 2016

5 foods that can boost your child's intelligence

We are what we eat so if you want to have smart intelligent kids then you must put in
some effort by providing the right nutrients they need to help their brain function properly. So here are 5 foods that can boost your child's intelligence.

1. Nuts: nuts are rich in nutrients such as choline which aids in both memory and brain development, they also contain vitamin E which can make the thinking become clearer,peanut butter can also make an excellent spread on bread for your kids and they would love it.

2. Eggs: egg contains many minerals and vitamins that the brain requires for concentration, eggs contain a high amount of protein to help keep your child feeling full for a large period of time, eating eggs can help your kids remember things they easily forget.

3. Milk: milk has an essential nutrient that can improve your child's memory, eyesight and relief tiredness, giving your kids a glass of milk can help them stay alert even for years to come, you can make a milkshake or mix it into a smoothie and give your kids to drink.

4. Cereal: this contains a lot of fiber which can help your kids stay full instead of snacking on junk food which will add little or no value to the body,they also contain a lot of vitamins to help your child's brain work effectively.

5. Fish: fish are rich in fatty acids which can boost the academic performance of your child, they contain omega 3 which plays a role in the structure and function of the brain.

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